On Monday, the United States Supreme Court denied challenges to the pending settlement reached among retired NFL players and the league, clearing the way for the benefits process to move forward.
The Supreme Court’s decision to deny review removes the final obstacle to implementation of the landmark settlement to provide care for retired NFL players suffering from brain-related injuries as a result of hits sustained during their playing careers.
Christopher Seeger, co-lead counsel for the retired NFL player class plaintiffs, said, “This decision means that, finally, retired NFL players will receive much-needed care and support for the serious neurocognitive injuries they are facing. These courageous men and their families, who in the face of great adversity took on the NFL, have made history. Despite the difficult health situations retired players face today, and that many more will unfortunately face in the future, they can take comfort in the fact that this settlement’s significant and immediate benefits will finally become available to them and last for decades to come.”
“Today’s decision ushers in the benefits process, which we expect will open this spring. With a 99% participation rate in the settlement, and more than 11,000 retired players already pre-registering for benefits, it is clear these programs are highly anticipated by the NFL alumni community,” Mr. Seeger said. “Class members will soon be receiving more information by mail, and we encourage them to visit NFLconcussionsettlement.com for updates on the registration and claims process.”