Seeger Weiss Obtains $1.4 Million for Client Against Met Life and American Building Maintenance
Seeger Weiss secured a $1.4 million verdict for our client, Debbie D’Amore in her case against Met Life and American Building Maintenance for serious injuries which she suffered as a result of a fall on July 13, 2004 at the Met Life Building in New York City. Ms. D’Amore was vigorously represented by Christopher Seeger and Marc Albert of Seeger Weiss LLP over the course of the week-long trial held before the Honorable Judge Michael Stallman of the Supreme Court, New York County. The jury deliberated over a two day period and returned with a $1.4 million verdict, $1 million of which was awarded for Ms. D’Amore’s past pain and suffering, with $400,000 awarded for future pain and suffering. The jury found defendants Met Life and its cleaning contractor, American Building Maintenance responsible for the fall and the serious injuries which Ms. D’Amore sustained as a result. Ms. D’Amore suffered a tri-malleolar ankle fracture in the fall which required multiple surgeries, including ultimately, an ankle fusion.
During the trial, Christopher Seeger convinced the jury that the defendants had failed to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition and that it was that failure on the part of the defendants that had caused the subject incident and Ms. D’Amore’s resultant injuries. Marc Albert of Seeger Weiss commented, “The verdict was a tremendous victory for an extremely well deserving client. As is the case with many of our clients, the accident which was the subject of this case completely changed Ms. D’Amore’s life. Virtually every facet of Ms. D’Amore’s every day activities were affected by the injuries she sustained. The award was a fitting culmination of what was more than four years of extremely tough times for Ms. D’Amore.”