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The client experience

Many of our clients never thought they’d file a lawsuit, much less find themselves in the middle of one. But when faced with clear wrongdoing, each took the brave step towards ensuring justice for everyone who suffered from that same wrongdoing and towards preventing what happened to them from happening to anyone else. It is work we’re proud to take up on their behalf, and we’re here to guide them through it.

Get in touch

Are we taking your case? We’ll evaluate and let you know.

Sign a retainer

We only become your lawyer when you sign an agreement retaining us as your legal counsel. Clients never pay out-of-pocket for contingency services. We are only paid if you win.

Help us research your case

We will ask for paperwork like medical records to help build your case.

We handle almost everything else

This is not always a fast process, but we will work our hardest to ensure a speedy and successful resolution—whether that happens via a trial or a settlement.